Thursday, October 31, 2013

Written Task - Long Island Brochure


Brochure is the format I chose for my written task. The benefit of a brochure is its ability to attract the readers. Attractions like colours, pictures, and other illustrations allowed readers to become mesmerize with the content in the brochure. I brochure would be about the geography content of Long Island, the setting of the novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The story, although a fiction, is based on real specific geographic settings and time. My intent is to describe these places at the time like in the story. The audience of the brochure is to attract potential people who are moving into the Long Island. Therefore, the brochure would be a little bias in terms of bringing out the best of each place. The four sites I chose to promote in my brochure are the West Egg, East Egg, Valley of Ashes, and New York. These places play a significant role in the story. For example the West Egg, the Buchannan’s resident plays the role where Daisy the beauty like of a goddess is introduced. Or another place like the Valley of Ashes, the dump-grounds of the city, is the place where the unfortunate death occurred. The outcome of this written task was not only to recognize the settings of the story but to describe its role towards the plot. Not only that, I also did some research on the Golden Age  or the “Roaring Twenties” where many people live luxuriously and party all night long. Overall, I viewed that brochure is an effective form of describing various settings in The Great Gatsby and to describe their significances.


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